HSF #13/2014 – Under $10



The Challenge: Under $10
What is it? A 1940s inspired dress  from children’s fashion.
Fabric: Cotton-linen Tablecloth from the 1960s
Half Burda 7494 and self drafted.
This dress is inspired by the 1940s children dresses. The Peter Pan collar especially. The techniques are time appropriate, but this dress would never have been worn by any in the 1940s. So it is much more just an inspired piece. One sad part is that i have made it a bit to large. Might end giving it away. 
How historically accurate is it?
Not very much. It is just inspired by the 1940s children fashion.
Hours to complete:
6 hours
First worn:
Not yet. 
Total cost:
 $0 USD- got an old tablecloth from my mother. The zipper cost me $6 USD.

This is some of the pictures I found for inspiration

B4091Source: Link

85577be8e433bb6263b1b61091dab8d9Source: Link

dorothyDorothy form The Wizard of Oz (1939).
Source: Link

I plan too much, and have too little time

So! This week I have a free week between lectures and exams. Therefore will I try to fill my blog with a lot of new and exciting stuff. The blog have seemed a bit silent recently, but that do not reflect what I have been doing. Right now, am I working on multiple projects. However, I will tell more about them tomorrow in their own post.
This weekend did a participate in my first WW2 event called Bunker By Night. I was a part of the historical reenactment group called Danforce/The Danish Brigade in Sweden. Here i wore a completely new dress sewn from the 1940’s pattern bought back in January together with the fabric. This is also a HSF challenge. So I will be making two separate posts. One for my new 1940 dress, and one for the Danforce reenactment group.. You can see some pictures at the Facebook side. Link should be to the right —>

And just to make this post more fun. I received my orders from India today! Three sarees and one pair of shoes. The sarees is made of 100 % cotton. One of them is a bit modern with sequins. Nevertheless, I think I will just remove that. I hope that these will turn out to be some lovely regency dresses. The shoes will make some nice 18th century shoes when covered in silk and decorated.










It is a hard world of studying

One of the less great things about studying is the lack of time to do anything else. These past three months have been so stressful, and at a time literately thought I was going down with the scary folk illness called stress. But thankfully I am not! I started sewing my HSF #3 Challenge back in February. But because of the missing time and missing pleasure of sewing, I haven’t come around to finish it yet.

So NOW! After 1 ½ week of fever and throat pain am I ready to start again! I am only minutes from finishing one of the challenges and close with another one as well. I hope to finish them both on Friday.


I bought this wonderful book at a book sale for used books. Love it! It is in Danish and tells of the regional Danish rural shirts (men). The time frame is from 1770-1870, but many of techniques can be used for earlier work as well.