HSF #13/2014 – Under $10



The Challenge: Under $10
What is it? A 1940s inspired dress  from children’s fashion.
Fabric: Cotton-linen Tablecloth from the 1960s
Half Burda 7494 and self drafted.
This dress is inspired by the 1940s children dresses. The Peter Pan collar especially. The techniques are time appropriate, but this dress would never have been worn by any in the 1940s. So it is much more just an inspired piece. One sad part is that i have made it a bit to large. Might end giving it away. 
How historically accurate is it?
Not very much. It is just inspired by the 1940s children fashion.
Hours to complete:
6 hours
First worn:
Not yet. 
Total cost:
 $0 USD- got an old tablecloth from my mother. The zipper cost me $6 USD.

This is some of the pictures I found for inspiration

B4091Source: Link

85577be8e433bb6263b1b61091dab8d9Source: Link

dorothyDorothy form The Wizard of Oz (1939).
Source: Link

8 thoughts on “HSF #13/2014 – Under $10

  1. This looks gorgeous! I’m making a dress out of a 70’s duvet cover which I found in a charity shop. You can’t beat vintage fabrics!

    • You really can’t! So sad it came out too big. I love how I manage to line up the fabrics pattern so well, first time!

  2. You have given me food for thought here. I have 2 tablecloths embroidered by my Mum in the 1950’s….don’t know if I am brave enough to cut into them though. Like your dress – can you take in the seams to make if fit?

    • My own tablecloth was given to my mom from my Grandmother. I have yet to show my grandmother the result.
      I could take it in. But so much work with a pattern. Maybe?

  3. Don’t sell or give it away. You will get a bit larger as you age. Or just take it in a little. Sort of a medium approach. I’ll bet it looks lovely on you! I love it!

    • I won’t give it away to others than my family 🙂 it is really lovely. I might just put it in when the mood is for it 🙂
      And thanks for the compliments

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