HSF #17/2014 – Yellow

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The Challenge: Yellow
What is it? A medieval needlecase
Fabric: Embroided on wool, lined with linen and embroided  with silk and cotton
 Selfdrafted with inspiration from archaeological finds and a pattern from Medieval Silkwork
13th & 14th century Medieval
I chose to use cotton thread in some of the colours. Yellow and Green. Mostly because I couldn’t get it in silk and I really wanted to get started. 
How historically accurate is it?
 Apart from the cotton, and the lack of find of fabric needle cases from the medieval period, I guess it pretty close and it is completely done by hand. I would say 60 %.
Hours to complete:
 12 hours
First worn: 
I need to collect some medieval sewing gear before this can be used.
Total cost:
About $10 USD

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m194689_stdInspiration and link to source

More information on brick stiches: 
Medieval Silkwork

Medieval Arts and Crafts

Medieval Threads

More about brick stitches

The European Medieval Festival/Eropæisk Middelalder Festival

Here you have an nice wooden medieval door to enjoy!

Here you have an nice wooden medieval door to enjoy!

Hmm.. okay. I didn’t quite fit my deadline. That really sucks! I have so many bad excuses, but I will spare you!

So tomorrow, or 20 hours from now, will the festival start. I promise to take a lot of Photos and be some sort of mini reporter for you guys. I don’t have the most functional camera (read cellphone), so can’t promise the pictures will be good.

How much did I sew? Well, I’m almost finished my chemise (need to sew the skirt bottom). My sct. Brigitta cap is done, but the headgear (vail and neckfabric) is not done at all. The fabric arrived yesterday! How I hate on-line shopping! The fabric for the main dress was so thick, that I would melt if I ever sew a dress out of it. I’m going to use it for a cape once.

I’ll post some photos of the chemise and cap when I return home and is finish at my school starting program. By the way, I got accepted to Medieval- and Renaissancearchaeology.

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Hmm.. Okay. jeg nåede vidst ikke lige min deadline. Det er virkelig træls! Jeg har så mange dårlige undskyldninger, men det skal jeg nok skåne jer for!

Så i morgen, eller 20 timer fra nu, vil festival starte. Jeg lover at tage et tons af billeder og være en eller anden form for lille journalist kun for jer. Jeg har dog ikke det mest funktionelle kamera (læs mobiltelefon), og kan ikke love verdens bedste billeder.

Hvor meget nåde jeg så at sy? Jeg er næsten færdig med min særk (mangler kun at sy skørtet i bunden). Min Skt. Brigitta hue er færdig, med det andet hovedtilbehør (sjal og halsklæde) er overhovedet ikke færdige. Stoffet kom først i går! Hvor jeg hader online shopping! Stoffet der var beregnet til selve overkjolen er alt for tykt, så tykt at jeg ville smelte i det hvis jeg nogensinde fik den sindssyge idé at bruge det til en kjole. Tror jeg bruger det til en kappe… engang.

Jeg ligger nogen billeder op af særken og huen når jeg kommer hjem og er færdig med rus uge på universitet. Jeg blev forresten optaget på Middelalder- og Renæssancearkæologi!

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